Describing herself as an “encore entrepreneur”, Antionette is an award-winning blogger, author and professional speaker. In her podcast, she speaks about family, finances, health and wellness.

We love — her passion and openness when it comes to sharing her experiences living with type 2 diabetes. 

Antionette tells us how she stays passionate and motivated every day.

What do you think is the key to success?

The key to success is definitely having and keeping a positive attitude and never judging your gifts against anyone else’s gifts.

What do you love about this stage of your life?

The best part of reaching mid-life is that all the experiences and lessons that were learned in life can be shared with others coming up behind you. Leaving a legacy is such a blessing.

What motivates you?

I love to say that when you wake up, start looking up — everything else is gravy, baby!

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