Empower yourself by taking up new activities, or going back to things you loved in your youth and filtering out the negative influences in your life. Live joyfully with us.

Joy doesn’t come from others; it comes from within and, now that you might have more free time, you have freedom to enjoy what truly makes you happy. Focus on things that bring personal joy —whether that’s sitting in the garden with your favourite book, or jumping in a freezing loch in nothing but a swimming costume. Just do it safely!

I’m sure we can all agree that life only gets better after 55. Here are a few little things you can do to bring fun to your days.

Do the things you loved as a younger woman

Dancing, swimming, hillwalking, painting, singing, writing — anything!

When you’re younger, your free time often depletes because of work and family commitments. Gradually you can stop doing the things you once loved. Now is the perfect time to rediscover your passions and enjoy what makes you smile.

Do the things society says you shouldn’t

There’s a certain satisfaction in doing the opposite of what someone tells you to do. Disregard all of society’s little preconceptions just for the sake of it — go out clubbing, wear fitted clothing, drink as much wine as you like, laugh as loud as you want and say what’s on your mind.

Stop caring what other people think

Disregarding other people’s criticisms or judgements is surely one of the glorious things about growing older… The only opinions that really matter are yours and family and friends. It’s as simple as that.

Remember we mentioned jumping into a freezing loch? We have a beautiful feature in Platinum issue 1 (on sale until October 30, 2019) that dives into the world of open water swimming in your 60s. Intrigued? Subscribe to Platinum and you’ll never miss unique stories from inspiring women.